It’s not too long, while Apple confirmed new version of OSX, with code name El Capitan and during their keynote we were preoccupied with a lot of new features, kernel and, for me, online compiler, which apple used for system speed boost.
First Developer preview was, in fact, mostly design show, which haven’t too much news at all. Well, there was newer, but more stable than „yosemite“ version of Spootlight. On iOS I cant live without them, but on OSX i don’t remember when I used it at last. Of course, Apple was, is and will be one and only who can sell everything. Also just redesigned actual items – new iPod’s could be the best example.
Second beta, it was something different about El Capitan – much faster, well, stable too :), and finally a lot of promised features. Split view makes a lot of things just easier. On Yosemite, I usualy used about twelve desktops, which made me sometimes little paranoid, that I lost my work somewhere. With split view I’m now about 6-7 desktops (in hard ways), which is more than two times better, faster and at last easier to work with it. Performance… well… on my SSD drive, its hard to see performance boost, but there it is. The best example for all – Microsoft Outlook 2016 – it’s not 1,4x to 1,6x faster as they mentioned, but about 2-3x faster, maybe its just because Microsoft finally after five years made new version. But speed boost is elsewhere, for me for example Brackets, which is product build on Adobe (which promises slow run as they can applications). Final Cut Pro, Android Studio, Xcode or games like SimCity and Diablo 3.
Third beta (also known as Public Beta 1) was, well – public. There was, as I can say – a lot of bugfixes, improved stability – apple known, why made public this beta release. Applications is more stable, kernel update made a little longer battery life and, finally, mission control improvements.
Fourth Beta (second public beta) brings Metal, swift 2 (as far for Apple’s apps) and is probably useful showroom for other apps, which way their developers may follow.
Lets see forward to stable release this fall, in summary, it looks like Apple finaly find their way of OS X after a few last years they… well… they don’t do their job like Apple may do it.
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