I have yet to read about Apple Music basically just curses, sighs and all sorts of complaints. For me, personally did not particularly enchanted, but also become a compelling reason to leave Google and its music play. The proliferation of „hate“ comments such as „I threw out itunes error, it’s shit, I’m done with it, etc.“, published by order of hours after making service globally to the world … maybe I’m a little naive, perhaps I don’t expecting too much as the others from Apple, I do not know where It takes but five minutes after the hour using the global launch of a service … Maybe they just do not fit into the overall concept when I think even a little ahead and seek mistakes at all costs.
However, over time we’ll see, maybe Hater opponents and hide anything from Apple aside a proper review of the fair will also need to have some time to wait 🙂
I will add that neither Spotify, Deezer and other musical service I did not take so much as Google play music. Until Now.
Since the launch of Apple’s music service is a little over 24 hours, but basically immediately after updating, I began to feel that just tohlr could be a service that I offer an alternative to Google. Me as a customer is not easy to buy – I do not care if the service is worth 100kc or 1000 CZK per month – my point about content, functionality, design and functional potential.
Overall redesign a few years older applications (small changes in the updates do not count), after the application of a good, true, I’m used to it now, but after a few hours.
Beats 1 radio is a separate chapter – Apple came up with something different streaming service has – living people, which only welcome. Listen to five hours at a stretch, although it comes only music, but a living person’s entry will make a mile – from the radio is.
Many people will argue that it is only in English, etc … Yes, but it is a global, worldwide and nonstop, and nowadays English is unfortunately needed in any country. It is a sad fact.
On the other hand, if I do not sedentary gigabytes of music, for some around 160-170 per month I have access to all the music on the iTunes + bonus live radio with live people.
There are not yet able to assess individual presenters or whole – so far their performance according to me more than good, but on an objective assessment of what he wants more time. Meanwhile, my assessment was somewhere between one and minus one, but I expect that after a few weeks of little drops.
After two days, I am more than satisfied, so we’ll see in about a month.
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